Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Iphone Laryngoscopy

I came across this YouTube tutorial today and thought it was worth sharing.  I do not endorse this method of laryngoscopy as sanitary or safe, so please try this at your own risk!

Here is another video of Iphone autoscopy in action:


Friday, October 12, 2012

Vocal Cord Cancer Surgeon in Los Angeles

Cancerous and precancerous growths of the vocal cords continue to be a major cause of chronic hoarseness. While these growths predominantly affect smokers, they also occur in non-smokers. Often non-smokers may have other risk factors, including second-hand smoke, occupational chemical or irritant exposure. Any hoarseness lasting more than 4 weeks absolutely needs to be investigated with an otolaryngologist. 

Approximatley 12,000 people are diagnosed with voice box cancer annually in the United States.  If diagnosed early and treated with either surgery or radiation, the cure rate is excellent.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Vocal Cord Polyps and Nodules

Phonotrauma (overuse of the vocal cords) leads to mechanical stress and occasionally results in callouses (nodules) or larger growths (polyps). The difference between a polyp and nodule is sometimes arbitrary. A large nodule is a small polyp, and vice versa. In this photo, some might characterize the left vocal fold lesion (left side of the photo) as a large nodule, while the right sided vocal fold lesion might be considered a small polyp.

Both types of growth result from vocal overuse. In general, nodules have a change of decreasing in size and even disappearing if the phonotraumatic behavior is eliminated. Whereas polyps rarely disappear without surgery. In this case, I doubt either of these vocal fold lesions would regress with voice rest or voice therapy. Hence surgery was recommended.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Functional Dysphonia

An often puzzling form of hoarseness is "functional" dysponia. Functional refers to the fact that anatomically and physiologically, the larynx is working properly. But through some environmental, psychologic, or subconscious mechanism the brain has retrained the individual to speech in an abnormal way. The voice can range from being absent, very high pitched, or strained.

Functional dysphonia tends to occur after a respiratory infection, when acute laryngitis may lead to vocal fold swelling and inflammation. This may trigger the patient to change the way that they speak, and when the laryngitis resolves, they may get stuck in this particular pattern.

Stress or trauma can trigger episodes, as a form of conversion disorder. This may occur with or without physical trauma. Occasionally, a strangling injury will lead the patient to "guard" their voice by misusing the neck muscles.

As opposed to common neurologic causes of hoarseness like vocal cord paralysis and spasmodic dysphonia, functional dysphonia has the ability to come and go.

Additional contributing factors include vocal fold inflammation from acid reflux, sinus inflammation, cough, or vocal abuse.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Our office has moved!

We are excited to announce the relocation of our practice effective January 26, 2012! Our new office is located at 180 Newport Center Drive, Suite 158, Newport Beach, CA. For appointments, please call (949)266-1630.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mariano Rivera - Vocal Cord Problems

I am sharing this blog post from regarding Yankee star Mariano Rivera. While it sounds sexy, the term "scraping" is extremely inaccurate to describe the delicate process of surgery on the vocal folds. Phonomicrosurgery, the term we use to describe highly magnified and precise surgery of the vocal folds, is inaccurately described by this sports blogger. But we will have to excuse the blogger, because after all he is a sports writer rather than a medical one.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Singer Adele’s vocal cord surgery in Boston called a ‘success’

Singer Adele’s vocal cord surgery in Boston called a ‘success’

My fellowship mentor, Steven Zeitels, has been in the news this week after operating on the British singer Adele. She reportedly suffered a vocal hemorrhage from a benign vocal fold polyp.